
Publications from 2024:

Balan, A. P., Kumar, A., Reiser, P., Vas, J. V., Denneulin, T., Lee, K. D., Saunderson, T. G., Tschudin, M., Pellet-Mary, C., Dutta, D., Schrader, C., Scholz, T., Geuchies, J., Fu, S., Wang, H., Bonanni, A., Lotsch, B. V., Nowak, U., Jakob, G., Gayles, J., Kovacs, A., Dunin-Borkowski, R. E., Maletinsky, P., & Klaeui, M. (2024). Identifying the Origin of Thermal Modulation of Exchange Bias in MnPS<sub>3</sub>/Fe<sub>3</sub>GeTe<sub>2</sub> van der Waals Heterostructures. ADVANCED MATERIALS, 36(35). DOI
Balan, A. P., Kumar, A., Scholz, T., Lin, Z., Shahee, A., Fu, S., Denneulin, T., Vas, J., Kovacs, A., Dunin-Borkowski, R. E., Wang, H. I., Yang, J., Lotsch, B. V., Nowak, U., & Klaeui, M. (2024). Harnessing Van der Waals CrPS<sub>4</sub> and Surface Oxides for Nonmonotonic Preset Field Induced Exchange Bias in Fe<sub>3</sub>GeTe<sub>2</sub>. ACS NANO, 18(11), 8383-8391. DOI
Bednarz, B., Syskaki, M.-A., Pachat, R., Praedel, L., Wortmann, M., Kuschel, T., Ono, S., Klaeui, M., Herrera Diez, L., & Jakob, G. (2024). Stabilizing perpendicular magnetic anisotropy with strong exchange bias in PtMn/Co by magneto-ionics. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 124(23). DOI
Beermann, N. S., Fabretti, S., Hafez, H. A., Syskaki, M.-A., Kononenko, I., Jakob, G., Klaeui, M., & Turchinovich, D. (2024). Electronic transparency of internal interfaces in metallic nanostructures comprising light, heavy and ferromagnetic metals measured by terahertz spectroscopy. NANOPHOTONICS, 13(10), 1883-1890. DOI
Beermann, N. S., Fabretti, S., Hafez, H. H., Syskaki, M.-A., Kononenko, I., Jakob, G., Klaui, M., & Turchinovich, D. (2024). Terahertz Probing of Nanoscopic Current Distribiution in Bilayer Nanostructures of Light, Heavy, and Ferromagnetic Metals. 2024 49TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFRARED, MILLIMETER, AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, IRMMW-THZ 2024. Published. DOI
Beneke, G., Winkler, T. B., Raab, K., Brems, M. A., Kammerbauer, F., Gerhards, P., Knobloch, K., Krishnia, S., Mentink, J. H., & Klaeui, M. (2024). Gesture recognition with Brownian reservoir computing using geometrically confined skyrmion dynamics. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 15(1). DOI
Christensen, D. V., Staub, U., Devidas, T. R., Kalisky, B., Nowack, K. C., Webb, J. L., Andersen, U. L., Huck, A., Broadway, D. A., Wagner, K., Maletinsky, P., van der Sar, T., Du, C. R., Yacoby, A., Collomb, D., Bending, S., Oral, A., Hug, H. J., Mandru, A.-O., Neu, V., Schumacher, H. W., Sievers, S., Saito, H., Khajetoorians, A. A., Hauptmann, N., Baumann, S., Eichler, A., Degen, C. L., Mccord, J., Vogel, M., Fiebig, M., Fischer, P., Hierro-Rodriguez, A., Finizio, S., Dhesi, S. S., Donnelly, C., Buettner, F., Kfir, O., Hu, W., Zayko, S., Eisebitt, S., Pfau, B., Froemter, R., Klaeui, M., Yasin, F. S., Mcmorran, B. J., Seki, S., Yu, X., Lubk, A., Wolf, D., Pryds, N., Makarov, D., & Poggio, M. (2024). 2024 roadmap on magnetic microscopy techniques and their applications in materials science. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-MATERIALS, 7(3). DOI
Fedchenko, O., Minar, J., Akashdeep, A., D'Souza, S. W., Vasilyev, D., Tkach, O., Odenbreit, L., Nguyen, Q., Kutnyakhov, D., Wind, N., Wenthaus, L., Scholz, M., Rossnagel, K., Hoesch, M., Aeschlimann, M., Stadtmueller, B., Klaeui, M., Schoenhense, G., Jungwirth, T., Hellenes, A. B., Jakob, G., Smejkal, L., Sinova, J., & Elmers, H.-J. (2024). Observation of time-reversal symmetry breaking in the band structure of altermagnetic RuO<sub>2</sub>. SCIENCE ADVANCES, 10(5). DOI
Jefremovas, E. M., Kent, N., Marques-Marchan, J., Fischer, M. G., Asenjo, A., & Klaeui, M. (2024). Experimental realization of metastable target skyrmion states in continuous films. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 125(19). DOI
Kapon, Y., Kammerbauer, F., Balland, T., Yochelis, S., Klaui, M., & Paltiel, Y. (2024). Effects of Chiral Polypeptides on Skyrmion Stability and Dynamics. NANO LETTERS, 25(1), 306-312. DOI
Kuepferling, M., Back, C. H., Casiraghi, A., Chen, L., Di Pietro, A., Durin, G., Sanchez, F. G., Hickey, B. J., Hwang, C. Y., Jakob, G., Klaeui, M., Madami, M., Magni, A., Marrows, C. H., Nembach, H. T., Puliafito, V., Shaw, J. M., Soares, G., Tacchi, S., & Carlotti, G. (2024). Comparison of techniques for the quantitative determination of the interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in ultrathin magnetic films. 2024 IEEE INTERNATIONAL MAGNETIC CONFERENCE-SHORT PAPERS, INTERMAG SHORT PAPERS. Published. DOI
Labrie-Boulay, I., Winkler, T. B., Franzen, D., Romanova, A., Fangohr, H., & Klaeui, M. (2024). Machine-learning-based detection of spin structures. PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED, 21(1). DOI
Lidig, C., Minar, J., Braun, J., Ebert, H., Gloskovskii, A., Krieger, J. A., Strocov, V., Klaeui, M., & Jourdan, M. (2024). Surface resonance of thin films of the Heusler half-metal Co<sub>2</sub>MnSi probed by soft x-ray angular resolved photoemission spectroscopy (vol 99, 174432, 2019). PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 109(5). DOI
Liu, M., Reimer, T., Wang, Y., Klaui, M., Xing, Y., Gui, X., Cao, Y., Berger, R., Wang, H., & Bonn, M. (2024). Mechanically Stable PMMA-Based Large-Area Nano-Channels with Sub-10 nm Depth. ADVANCED MATERIALS TECHNOLOGIES. Published. DOI
Liu, W., He, X., Zhang, J., Zheng, F., Zhao, Y.-J., Wu, R., Yang, J., Klaeui, M., & Hou, Y. (2024). Two-Dimensional Rare-Earth-Based Half-Metals with Topological Bimerons. NANO LETTERS, 24(48), 15473-15480. DOI
Raab, K., Schmitt, M., Brems, M. A., Rothoerl, J., Kammerbauer, F., Krishnia, S., Klaeui, M., & Virnau, P. (2024). Skyrmion flow in periodically modulated channels. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 110(4). DOI
Randolph, L., Banjafar, M., Yabuuchi, T., Baehtz, C., Bussmann, M., Dover, N. P., Huang, L., Inubushi, Y., Jakob, G., Klaui, M., Ksenzov, D., Makita, M., Miyanishi, K., Nishiuchi, M., Oeztuerk, O., Paulus, M., Pelka, A., Preston, T. R., Schwinkendorf, J.-P., Sueda, K., Togashi, T., Cowan, T. E., Kluge, T., Gutt, C., & Nakatsutsumi, M. (2024). (Sub-)Picosecond Surface Correlations of Femtosecond Laser Excited Al-Coated Multilayers Observed by Grazing-Incidence X-ray Scattering. NANOMATERIALS, 14(12). DOI
Reimers, S., Gomonay, O., Amin, O. J., Krizek, F., Barton, L. X., Lytvynenko, Y., Poole, S. F., Novak, V., Campion, R. P., Maccherozzi, F., Carbone, G., Bjorling, A., Niu, Y., Golias, E., Kriegner, D., Sinova, J., Klaeui, M., Jourdan, M., Dhesi, S. S., Edmonds, K. W., & Wadley, P. (2024). Magnetic domain engineering in antiferromagnetic CuMnAs and Mn 2 Au. PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED, 21(6). DOI
Reimers, S., Odenbreit, L., Smejkal, L., Strocov, V. N., Constantinou, P., Hellenes, A. B., Ubiergo, R. J., Campos, W. H., Bharadwaj, V. K., Chakraborty, A., Denneulin, T., Shi, W., Dunin-Borkowski, R. E., Das, S., Klaeui, M., Sinova, J., & Jourdan, M. (2024). Direct observation of altermagnetic band splitting in CrSb thin films. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 15(1). DOI
Schmitt, C., Rajan, A., Beneke, G., Kumar, A., Sparmann, T., Meer, H., Bednarz, B., Ramos, R., Nino, M. A., Foerster, M., Saitoh, E., & Klaui, M. (2024). Mechanisms of Electrical Switching of Ultrathin CoO/Pt Bilayers. NANO LETTERS, 24(5), 1471-1476. DOI
Syskaki, M.-A., Dohi, T., Bednarz, B., Filnov, S. O., Kasatikov, S. A., Bhukta, M., Smekhova, A., Pachat, R., van der Jagt, J. W., Ono, S., Ravelosona, D., Langer, J., Klaui, M., Diez, L. H., & Jakob, G. (2024). Magneto-ionic modulation of the interlayer exchange interaction in synthetic antiferromagnets. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 124(8). DOI
Winkler, T. B., Beg, M., Lang, M., Kläui, M., & Fangohr, H. (2024). Simulating Bloch points using micromagnetic and Heisenberg models. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 1-1. DOI
Winkler, T. B., Rothoerl, J., Brems, M. A., Beneke, G., Fangohr, H., & Klaeui, M. (2024). Coarse-graining collective skyrmion dynamics in confined geometries. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 124(2). DOI
Wu, H., Hanayama, H., Coehlo, M., Gu, Y., Wu, Z.-H., Takebayashi, S., Jakob, G., Vasylevskyi, S., Schollmeyer, D., Klaeui, M., Pieters, G., Baumgarten, M., Muellen, K., Narita, A., & Qiu, Z. (2024). Stable π-Extended Thio[7]helicene-Based Diradical with Predominant Through-Space Spin-Spin Coupling. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 146(11), 7480-7486. DOI
Yaqoob, M., Kammerbauer, F., Saunderson, T. G., Vasyuchka, V. I., Go, D., Al-Hamdo, H., Jakob, G., Mokrousov, Y., Klaeui, M., & Weiler, M. (2024). Inductive detection of inverse spin-orbit torques in magnetic heterostructures. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 110(10). DOI
Zhang, Z., Lin, K., Zhang, K., Feng, X., Chen, L., Zhang, Y., Bournel, A., Klaui, M., Zhao, W., & Zhang, Y. (2024). Ultra-Fast True Random Number Generator Based on Ill-Posedness Nucleation of Skyrmion Bags in Ferrimagnets. IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS, 45(5), 917-920. DOI
Wu, R., He, X., Ding, S., Giil, H., Wang, J., Lin, Z., Liang, Z., Yang, J., Kläui, M., Brataas, A., & Hou, Y. (2024). Spin Seebeck in the weak exchange coupled van der Waals antiferromagnet. In Springer Science and Business Media LLC. DOI
Bhukta, M., Dohi, T., Bharadwaj, V. K., Zarzuela, R., Syskaki, M.-A., Foerster, M., Niño, M. A., Sinova, J., Frömter, R., & Kläui, M. (2024). Homochiral antiferromagnetic merons, antimerons and bimerons realized in synthetic antiferromagnets. Nature Communications, 15(1). DOI

Publications from 2005 - 2023: