Year 2023

Al-Hamdo, H., Wagner, T., Lytvynenko, Y., Kendzo, G., Reimers, S., Ruhwedel, M., Yaqoob, M., Vasyuchka, V. I., Pirro, P., Sinova, J., Klaeui, M., Jourdan, M., Gomonay, O., & Weiler, M. (2023). Coupling of Ferromagnetic and Antiferromagnetic Spin Dynamics in Mn<sub>2</sub>Au/NiFe Thin Film Bilayers. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 131(4). DOI
Behovits, Y., Chekhov, A. L., Bodnar, S. Y., Gueckstock, O., Reimers, S., Lytvynenko, Y., Skourski, Y., Wolf, M., Seifert, T. S., Gomonay, O., Klaeui, M., Jourdan, M., & Kampfrath, T. (2023). Terahertz Neel spin-orbit torques drive nonlinear magnon dynamics in antiferromagnetic Mn<sub>2</sub>Au. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 14(1). DOI
Bose, A., Kammerbauer, F., Gupta, R., Go, D., Mokrousov, Y., Jakob, G., & Klaeui, M. (2023). Detection of long-range orbital-Hall torques. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 107(13). DOI
Boventer, I., Simensen, H. T., Brekke, B., Weides, M., Anane, A., Klaeui, M., Brataas, A., & Lebrun, R. (2023). Antiferromagnetic Cavity Magnon Polaritons in Collinear and Canted Phases of Hematite. PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED, 19(1). DOI
Braatz, M.-L., Weber, N.-E., Singh, B., Muellen, K., Feng, X., Klaeui, M., & Gradhand, M. (2023). Doped graphene characterized via Raman spectroscopy and magneto-transport measurements. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 133(2). DOI
Brehm, V., Gomonay, O., Lepadatu, S., Klaeui, M., Sinova, J., Brataas, A., & Qaiumzadeh, A. (2023). Micromagnetic study of spin transport in easy-plane antiferromagnetic insulators. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 107(18). DOI
Dannegger, T., Deak, A., Rozsa, L., Galindez-Ruales, E., Das, S., Baek, E., Klaeui, M., Szunyogh, L., & Nowak, U. (2023). Magnetic properties of hematite revealed by an<i> ab</i><i> initio</i> parameterized spin model. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 107(18). DOI
Dohi, T., Weissenhofer, M., Kerber, N., Kammerbauer, F., Ge, Y., Raab, K., Zazvorka, J., Syskaki, M.-A., Shahee, A., Ruhwedel, M., Boettcher, T., Pirro, P., Jakob, G., Nowak, U., & Klaeui, M. (2023). Enhanced thermally-activated skyrmion diffusion with tunable effective gyrotropic force. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 14(1). DOI
Ge, Y., Rothoerl, J., Brems, M. A., Kerber, N., Gruber, R., Dohi, T., Klaeui, M., & Virnau, P. (2023). Constructing coarse-grained skyrmion potentials from experimental data with Iterative Boltzmann Inversion. COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS, 6(1). DOI
Gruber, R., Brems, M. A., Rothoerl, J., Sparmann, T., Schmitt, M., Kononenko, I., Kammerbauer, F., Syskaki, M.-A., Farago, O., Virnau, P., & Klaeui, M. (2023). 300-Times-Increased Diffusive Skyrmion Dynamics and Effective Pinning Reduction by Periodic Field Excitation. ADVANCED MATERIALS, 35(17). DOI
Kammerbauer, F., Choi, W.-Y., Freimuth, F., Lee, K., Froemter, R., Han, D.-S., Lavrijsen, R., Swagten, H. J. M., Mokrousov, Y., & Klaeui, M. (2023). Controlling the Interlayer Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction by Electrical Currents. NANO LETTERS, 23(15), 7070-7075. DOI
Kammerbauer, F., Freimuth, F., Froemter, R., Mokrousov, Y., & Klaeui, M. (2023). Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction and Its Current-Induced Manipulation. JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 92(8). DOI
Kapon, Y., Kammerbauer, F., Yochelis, S., Klaeui, M., & Paltiel, Y. (2023). Magneto-optical imaging of magnetic-domain pinning induced by chiral molecules. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 159(6). DOI
Koraltan, S., Schmitt, C., Bruckner, F., Abert, C., Pruegl, K., Kirsch, M., Gupta, R., Zeilinger, S., Salazar-Mejia, J. M., Agrawal, M., Guettinger, J., Satz, A., Jakob, G., Klaeui, M., & Suess, D. (2023). Single-device offset-free magnetic field sensing with tunable sensitivity and linear range based on spin-orbit torques. PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED, 20(4). DOI
Lee, O., Msiska, R., Brems, M. A., Klaeui, M., Kurebayashi, H., & Everschor-Sitte, K. (2023). Perspective on unconventional computing using magnetic skyrmions. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 122(26). DOI
Leutner, K., Winkler, T. B., Gruber, R., Froemter, R., Guettinger, J., Fangohr, H., & Klaeui, M. (2023). Skyrmion automotion and readout in confined counter-sensor device geometries. PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED, 20(6). DOI
Lozhkina, O., Kammerbauer, F., Syskaki, M.-A., Balan, A. P., Krautscheid, P., Khanjani, M. V., Kubik, J., O'Brien, S., Reeve, R. M., Jakob, G., Froemter, R., & Klaeui, M. (2023). Tailoring Magnetic Properties and Suppressing Anisotropy in Permalloy Films by Deposition in a Rotating Magnetic Field. PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED, 20(1). DOI
Lytvynenko, Y., Fedchenko, O., Chernov, S. V., Babenkov, S., Vasilyev, D., Tkach, O., Gloskovskii, A., Peixoto, T. R. F., Schlueter, C., Grigorev, V., Filianina, M., Sobolev, S., Kleibert, A., Klaui, M., Demsar, J., Schoenhense, G., Jourdan, M., & Elmers, H. J. (2023). Control of the asymmetric band structure in Mn<sub>2</sub>Au by a ferromagnetic driver layer. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 108(10). DOI
Martin, F., Lee, K., Schmitt, M., Liedtke, A., Shahee, A., Simensen, H. T., Scholz, T., Saunderson, T. G., Go, D., Gradhand, M., Mokrousov, Y., Denneulin, T., Kovacs, A., Lotsch, B., Brataas, A., & Klaeui, M. (2023). Strong bulk spin-orbit torques quantified in the van der Waals ferromagnet Fe<sub>3</sub>GeTe<sub>2</sub>. MATERIALS RESEARCH LETTERS, 11(1), 84-89. DOI
Masciocchi, G., Fattouhi, M., Spetzler, E., Syskaki, M.-A., Lehndorff, R., Martinez, E., McCord, J., Lopez-Diaz, L., Kehlberger, A., & Klaeui, M. (2023). Generation of imprinted strain gradients for spintronics. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 123(2). DOI
Masciocchi, G., Kools, T. J., Li, P., Petrillo, A. A. D., Koopmans, B., Lavrijsen, R., Kehlberger, A., & Klaeui, M. (2023). Strain effects on magnetic compensation and spin reorientation transition of Co/Gd synthetic ferrimagnets. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 134(1). DOI
Masciocchi, G., Van der Jagt, J. W., Syskaki, M.-A., Langer, J., Jakob, G., Mccord, J., Borie, B., Kehlberger, A., Ravelosona, D., & Klaeui, M. (2023). Optimization of Permalloy Properties for Magnetic Field Sensors Using He. PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED, 20(1). DOI
Masuda, H., Yamane, Y., Seki, T., Raab, K., Dohi, T., Modak, R., Uchida, K.- ichi, Ieda, J., Klaui, M., & Takanashi, K. (2023). Magnetization switching process by dual spin-orbit torque in interlayer exchange-coupled systems. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 122(16). DOI
Meer, H., Gomonay, O., Wittmann, A., & Klaeui, M. (2023). Antiferromagnetic insulatronics: Spintronics in insulating 3d metal oxides with antiferromagnetic coupling. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 122(8). DOI
Meer, H., Wust, S., Schmitt, C., Herrgen, P., Fuhrmann, F., Hirtle, S., Bednarz, B., Rajan, A., Ramos, R., Nino, M. A., Foerster, M., Kronast, F., Kleibert, A., Rethfeld, B., Saitoh, E., Stadtmueller, B., Aeschlimann, M., & Klaeui, M. (2023). Laser-Induced Creation of Antiferromagnetic 180-Degree Domains in NiO/Pt Bilayers. ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS, 33(21). DOI
Paries, F., Tiercelin, N., Lezier, G., Vanwolleghem, M., Selz, F., Syskaki, M.-A., Kammerbauer, F., Jakob, G., Jourdan, M., Klaeni, M., Kaspar, Z., Kampfrath, T., Seifert, T. S., von Freymann, G., & Molter, D. (2023). Spintronic Terahertz Emitter on a Fiber Tip. 2023 48TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFRARED, MILLIMETER, AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, IRMMW-THZ. Published. DOI
Paries, F., Tiercelin, N., Lezier, G., Vanwolleghem, M., Selz, F., Syskaki, M.-A., Kammerbauer, F., Jakob, G., Jourdan, M., Klaeui, M., Kaspar, Z., Kampfrath, T., Seifert, T. S., Von Freymann, G., & Molter, D. (2023). Fiber-tip spintronic terahertz emitters. OPTICS EXPRESS, 31(19), 30884-30893. DOI
Reimers, S., Lytvynenko, Y., Niu, Y. R., Golias, E., Sarpi, B., Veiga, L. S. I., Denneulin, T., Kovacs, A., Dunin-Borkowski, R. E., Blaesser, J., Klaeui, M., & Jourdan, M. (2023). Current-driven writing process in antiferromagnetic Mn<sub>2</sub>Au for memory applications. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 14(1). DOI
Rongione, E., Gueckstock, O., Mattern, M., Gomonay, O., Meer, H., Schmitt, C., Ramos, R., Kikkawa, T., Micica, M., Saitoh, E., Sinova, J., Jaffres, H., Mangeney, J., Goennenwein, S. T. B., Gepraegs, S., Kampfrath, T., Klaeui, M., Bargheer, M., Seifert, T. S., Dhillon, S., & Lebrun, R. (2023). Emission of coherent THz magnons in an antiferromagnetic insulator triggered by ultrafast spin-phonon interactions. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 14(1). DOI
Rongione, E., Gueckstock, O., Mattern, M., Gomonay, O., Meer, H., Schmitt, C., Ramos, R., Kikkawa, T., Micica, M., Saitoh, E., Sinova, J., Jaffres, H., Mangeney, J., Goennenwein, S. T. B., Gepraegs, S., Kampfrath, T., Klaeui, M., Bargheer, M., Seifert, T. S., Dhillon, S., & Lebrun, R. (2023). Emission of coherent THz magnons in an antiferromagnetic insulator triggered by ultrafast spin-phonon interactions. 2023 48TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFRARED, MILLIMETER, AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, IRMMW-THZ. Published. DOI
Rouzegar, R., Chekhov, A. L., Behovits, Y., Serrano, B. R., Syskaki, M. A., Lambert, C. H., Engel, D., Martens, U., Muenzenberg, M., Wolf, M., Jakob, G., Klaeui, M., Seifert, T. S., & Kampfrath, T. (2023). Broadband Spintronic Terahertz Source with Peak Electric Fields Exceeding 1.5 MV/cm. PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED, 19(3). DOI
Schmitt, C., Sanchez-Tejerina, L., Filianina, M., Fuhrmann, F., Meer, H., Ramos, R., Maccherozzi, F., Backes, D., Saitoh, E., Finocchio, G., Baldrati, L., & Klaeui, M. (2023). Identifying the domain-wall spin structure in antiferromagnetic NiO/Pt. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 107(18). DOI
Schmoranzerova, E., Kimak, J., Schlitz, R., Goennenwein, S. T. B., Kriegner, D., Reichlova, H., Soban, Z., Jakob, G., Guo, E.-J., Klaeui, M., Muenzenberg, M., Nemec, P., & Ostatnicky, T. (2023). Thermally induced all-optical ferromagnetic resonance in thin YIG films. NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 25(3). DOI
Schnitzspan, L., Klaeui, M., & Jakob, G. (2023). Electrical coupling of superparamagnetic tunnel junctions mediated by spin-transfer-torques. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 123(23). DOI
Schnitzspan, L., Klaeui, M., & Jakob, G. (2023). Nanosecond True-Random-Number Generation with Superparamagnetic Tunnel Junctions: Identification of Joule Heating and Spin-Transfer-Torque Effects. PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED, 20(2). DOI
Tacchi, S., Silvani, R., Kuepferling, M., Scarioni, A. F., Sievers, S., Schumacher, H. W., Darwin, E., Syskaki, M.-A., Jakob, G., Klaui, M., & Carlotti, G. (2023). Suppression of spin-wave nonreciprocity due to interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction by lateral confinement in magnetic nanostructures. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 108(2). DOI
Wagner, F. M., Melnikas, S., Cramer, J., Damry, D. A., Xia, C. Q., Peng, K., Jakob, G., Klaeui, M., Kicas, S., & Johnston, M. B. (2023). Coated Spintronic Emitters for Improved THz Time-domain Spectroscopy. 2023 48TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFRARED, MILLIMETER, AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, IRMMW-THZ. Published. DOI
Wagner, F. M., Melnikas, S., Cramer, J., Damry, D. A., Xia, C. Q., Peng, K., Jakob, G., Klaeui, M., Kicas, S., & Johnston, M. B. (2023). Optimised Spintronic Emitters of Terahertz Radiation for Time-Domain Spectroscopy. JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, 44(1-2), 52-65. DOI
Zhang, Z., Lin, K., Zhang, Y., Bournel, A., Xia, K., Klaeui, M., & Zhao, W. (2023). Magnon scattering modulated by omnidirectional hopfion motion in antiferromagnets for meta-learning. SCIENCE ADVANCES, 9(6). DOI
Corte-León, H., Khanjani, M. V., Jakob, G., Kläui, M., Garcia-Sanchez, F., Barton, C., & Kazakova, O. (2023). Heads-on skyrmion collisions. In Research Square Platform LLC. DOI